what i had for lunch

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today, my lunch consisted of two ibuprofen and a cup of water.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Yesterday, I had a barbecue sandwich with slaw, hushpuppies, & potato salad from the Q Shack. It's a block from where I work. I also had sweet tea. I want more today.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Oh, and I just gotta post about our lunches on the plane from Charlotte to London as generously provided by US Airways. Ross, Maggie and I each got different meals to test to see which one was the best. You be the judge.

First, there is the kosher selection:

Second, is the vegetarian selection:

And finally is the standard "Chicken in Brown Sauce":

Bon appetit!!
In Malta, two weeks ago, we had pastizzis with pea filling.
In Catania last week, I had a cannoli and two scoop of chocolate gelato. It was heavenly. We also ate these weird rice things that I cannot remember the name of in Taormina. It was good. It tasted like beef stew on the inside.
